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Recently divorced, and just turning 30, Q is trying to find his place in a world he barely recognizes as a newly single man trying to date, make friends, and learn to be an independent "adult under 40" (millennial).

Season 1, Episode 1:

"The Birthday"

Hot off the heels of a divorce and turning 30, Q reflects on his past while trying not to let the fact the his ex-wife is on her honeymoon get to him.

Season 1, Episode 2:

"The Friend Request"

Andrew helps Q find a woman online who he met at a bar. Once they find her they don't know how to proceed with first contact.

Season 1, Episode 3:

"The Break Up"

Zelda pops into Q's place to avoid the awkwardness of a crying man in her apartment whom she just dumped. And then one thing leads to another.

Season 1, Episode 4:

"The Left Shark"

Keith is at it again with his conspiracy theories, from dancing mishaps at halftime shows to egomaniacal artists rushing the stage during award shows.

Season 1, Episode 5:

"The Flu Shot"

Things get heated when Keith reveals that he doesn't partake in vaccinations, and continues to pile on by insulting Zelda.

Season 1, Episode 6:

"The Delivery Guy"

Q pushes his luck once again by antagonizing the man who regularly delivers his food.

Season 1, Episode 7:

"The Passing"

Q learns that a neighbor he doesn't care for just passed away and his friends are shocked when he doesn't share in their grieving.

Season 1, Episode 8:

"The Movie Pitch"

Keith runs into Zelda as she and Q are heading out to see a screening of Titanic at the Music Box at which point he starts sharing his script ideas.

Season 1, Episode 9:

"The Movie Pitch"

Q and friends engage in a discourse about gun rights, which is always a fun topic to discuss that definitely never ends in screaming matches.

Season 1, Episode 10:

"The Hangout"

Q finally has a date with the woman he met at a bar and subsequently found online in a totally not creepy way.

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